


来源:本站原创    点击率:    发布: 2010-10-29



10. elephant
  the first mom on our list earns her spot for giving birth to the biggest babies on earth—we're talking an average of 200 pounds here! (can you even imagine a diaper that large?) female elephants also deserve a prize for enduring a 22-month pregnancy. the calves are initially born blind, forcing them to rely on their trunks for navigation4) and discovery, but fortunately, they live in a matriarchal society. once the baby is born, the other "ladies" in the herd all lend a hand, including grandmothers, sisters, aunts and even cousins. these full-time baby-sitters are called "allomothers," and they help in every aspect of rearing the young calves—so in this case, it really does take a village to raise an elephant!

9. koala
  a female koala only dines on one thing: highly poisonous eucalyptus leaves. her digestive track can tolerate this otherwise deadly treat thanks to bowels that are packed with special bacteria that detoxify the leaves. babies—or joeys—aren't born with these superpowers (not to mention a lack of ears, eyes and fur), but momma koala comes to the rescue and helps them build up their tolerance by feeding them her own feces. once the joeys are born, they spend about six months inside their mother's pouch feeding on milk and forming their missing parts. but this is a mom who won't lose any sleep while nurturing: the female koala gets about 22 hours of shut-eye a day—that's nearly 90 percent of her life spent snoozing!

8. alligator
  the female alligator has one of the "greenest" pregnancies of the ozone. her nest is a heap of rotting vegetation (the ultimate compost pile!) that produces heat so she doesn't have to sit on her eggs. scientists use special thermometers to monitor the two-month incubation period in these nests, and the heat does more than bring these babies to fruition. if the temperature is less than 88 degrees, break out the pink, but if it tops 91, it's a boy! once the babies are born, the mothers carry them around in their jaw for protection, assisting them to the water, where they will spend their first years eating fish, insects, snails and crustaceans.

7. polar bear
  male polar bears give females the cold shoulder after mating, leaving the moms-to-be to put on around 400 pounds during their pregnancy! that's a lot of "baby weight." if the female doesn't find enough food to double her weight, her body will actually reabsorb the fetus. after she packs on the pounds, she digs a maternity den (usually in a snowdrift), where she goes into a hibernation-like state, doesn't eat for two months and also sleeps through the baby's birth. newborns are blind and toothless, but super cute, and they generally stay by their mom's side for just two years before being sent out on their own.

6. cheetah
  patience is a virtue, especially when it comes to being a cheetah mom. at any given time, females usually have four to six cubs to care for, but these kids aren't born with survival instincts. it's up to mom to teach them how to hunt prey and avoid other predators, and this training can take nearly two years to sink in and stick. once the cubs learn to fend for themselves, mom moves on to start a new family, while her offspring left behind form a sibling or "sib" group. the boys will stay together for life, but the females will leave the group six months or so later, as they tend to be solitary and avoid each other.

5. orangutan
  the highly intelligent orangutan is the ultimate do-it-yourself mom. she spends nearly all her life high up in the trees, where she builds a new nest every single night from branches and foliage, fashioning more than 30,000 homes in her lifetime! she also never puts her babies down, generally nursing offspring until they reach the age 6 or 7—that's the longest dependence of any animal on earth. for the most part, males come around only to mate, and even the baby boys break away more quickly from their mothers than their female counterparts, who often stay longer to learn child-rearing skills.

4. red-knobbed hornbill
  red-knobbed hornbills utilize holes in trees as their nests. their eggs are a favorite food of monitor lizards, so to combat these predators, the hornbills narrow the entryway to their nests with a very special sealant—their own feces. momma hornbill will stay in her hole for the entire two-month incubation period, ignoring any of her own hunger pains to her detriment.

3. elephant seal
  the female elephant seal generally weighs in at up to 1,700 pounds! once pregnant, these moms-to-be immediately start to bulk up even more, putting on additional weight during every day of the 11-month gestation period. however, after giving birth, she'll drop about 600 pounds while nursing her cubs in less than a month.

2. octopus
  when it comes to having babies, the female octopus doesn't mess around—she lays over 50,000 eggs. it takes around 40 days for the eggs to develop before hatching, and the mom stays close to them the entire time, protecting them from predators while gently blowing currents of water over them to provide oxygen. however, playing bodyguard to the eggs also prohibits her from hunting for herself.


1. sea louse
  sure, she may be just a small aquatic crustacean, but the female sea louse is no. 1 on our list and here's why. first, she's lured by the male into his bachelor burrow for mating where she discovers that she's actually in a harem with 25 other pregnant females! if that wasn't bad enough, once the babies are ready to be born, they make their way into the world by eating her from the inside out. worst. childbirth. ever.

第十名 大象




第八位 短吻鳄

第七名 北极熊

第六名 猎豹

第五名 猩猩
第四名 红冠犀鸟



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