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来源:开心夏令营发布时间:2012-2-6 14:20:33








  利兹大学[1](the university of leeds)的前身是建立于1831年的利兹医学院,以及建立于1874年的约克郡科学院。在1887年以上两个学校与曼彻斯特欧文学院、利物浦大学学院合并为维多利亚联合大学。





  利兹大学还是英国白玫瑰大学联盟,n8大学联盟,英联邦大学联盟(association of commonwealth universities),欧洲大学联盟(european university association),红砖大学(red brick university)和罗素大学集团(russell group)成员,每年获得的研究经费额度为英国各大学的前十名。




  利兹大学[1]的杰出校友有:诺贝尔奖获得者:1. sir william henry bragg, om, kbe, prs - for their services in the analysis of crystal structure by means of x-rays. 2. archer john porter martin - for the invention of partition chromatography. 3.lord george porter of luddenham, om, frs - for studies of extremely fast chemical reactions. 4. wole soyinka - who in a wide cultural perspective and with poetic overtones fashions the drama of existence and the first african to be honoured. 5. richard laurence millington synge - for the invention of partition chromatography;蒙古国总统恩赫巴雅尔;香港艺人张国荣;nasa宇航员piers sellers等(完整列表见下)。学校现有学校目前有教职员工8,000名,在校学生三万余人,其中研究生6,000多名。海外留学生4,000多名,来自全球100多个国家。此外还有52,000多名的学生在校参加短期的培训课程。目前,学校提供700门左右的本科课程和474门研究生或博士课程。


  利兹是一座充满活力和多元文化的城市。 它为学生提供了一个国际中心,到处都是咖啡吧、餐厅、商店、博物馆、剧院和夜总会。 利兹常被评为英国最受欢迎的旅游城市,也是欧洲发展最快的商业和金融中心。 位于英格兰北部约克郡的利兹周围都是美丽的乡村,风景迷人的约克郡宽谷和荒原也在这里。 大学主校园就在市中心,离购物中心只有10分钟的步行路程。 和英国很多地区相比,利兹的生活费用相对低廉。 皇家苏格兰银行2007年学生生活指数 ╟ 大学生活费用的年度报告 ╟ 显示利兹是英国成本效益最高的本科学习城市。


  * 图书馆藏书量排名全英第4。
  * 网络数据库先进,可查询图书馆内超过260万册藏书及资料。
  * 宽带网络电脑中心
  * 有超过9000台个人电脑席位,24小时开放电脑室。
  * 语言中心提供40余种语言学习。
  * 为国际学生专门设计英语课程,学生拥有免费一对一英语练习的机会。


  * 透过先进的网络数据库,可查询图书馆内超过260万册藏书及资料。
  * 拥有学习40余种语言的语言中心,专为国际学生设计英语课程。
  * 设医疗中心、顾问服务、就业辅导、学生福利办公室、校友会等多元学生服务。
  * 保证所有大一新生及单身大学/研究所国际学生有学校宿舍可住。
  * 设国际学生顾问与国际学生中心,协助国际学生顺利融入校园生活。
  * 一流的运动设施,拥有体育馆、重量训练室、健身房、游泳池、羽球场、网球场、壁球场以及多功能足球场。学生活动中心支援学生社团超过220个。
  * 步行15分钟即达市中心,生活机能便利。
  利兹活跃快乐的学生气氛远近闻名。 学校里有各种各样的俱乐部和社团,市区一流的休闲和社交设施也让学生受益匪浅。
  利兹是文化之城,主办了著名的利兹国际钢琴比赛,也经常会举办交响音乐会和室内音乐会。 在这里你可以欣赏各种各样的电影、音乐会、芭蕾舞、歌剧和戏剧,west yorkshire playhouse也是著名的国家级剧院。
  设在国际中心的国际学生办公室积极帮助他们解决入学前后可能遇到的各种问题,保证国际学子们能顺利完成在利兹大学的学业。 这样一个友好的团队提供实际性的帮助和建议,例如怎样续签签证、在英国工作和短期寄住英国当地的家庭。 它还组织各种社交活动,其中包括周末出游。 国际学生休息室也在这个中心里。它是学生们会面、喝一杯免费咖啡或茶和阅读国际报纸的地方。
  利兹大学宗教中心关怀学校的全体师生,给予他们支持和精神信仰上的咨询指导。 大部分宗教信仰在此都有代表。 利兹市内也有很多不同宗教的礼拜场所。
  学校也鼓励各种学生宗教社团的发展。 它们包括有自己的祈祷室的伊斯兰教社团、犹太教社团、印度教学生论坛、佛教冥想社团、天主教社团和基督教社团。
  利兹大学还有很多经过精心设计的其他支持性服务,旨在帮助全体学生。欲了解这些服务的详情,请登陆利兹大学的网站。 利兹的学生医疗中心也在校园服务,还开设了保密的咨询服务。 学科系为学生安排了个人导师;技能中心负责提高你的学习技能。 利兹大学的帮助决不止于你毕业之际,因为我们还开展了就业咨询和校友联络活动等服务。
















   johnbattle, labour member of parliament for leedswest (english, 1976)
   alancampbell, labour member of parliament for tynemouthand government whip (pgce)
   jonwharam, communications director for tony blair 1997-2001 (ba (hons) politicsand parliamentary studies)
   nambarynenkhbayar, president of mongolia(exchange student, 1986)
   joséángel gurría, mexican economist, secretary general of the organisation for economicco-operation and development (oecd)
   kenhind, barrister and former conservative member of parliament for west lancashire (law, 1971)
   ericillsley, labour member of parliament for barnsleycentral (llb in law)
   christopherleslie, labour member of parliament for shipley 1997-2005 (politics andparliamentary studies, 1994)
   clareshort, labour member of parliament for birmingham ladywood and formerinternational development secretary (political science, 1969)
   jackstraw, labour member of parliament for blackburn, current justice secretary andformer home secretary and leader of the house of commons(llb in law, 1967)
   paultruswell, labour member of parliament for pudsey (history, 1977)
   simbamakoni zimbabwean politician and candidate for zimbabwe elections 2008
   kamalahmed, executive news editor, the observer (political studies, 1990)
   timothyallen, photojournalist (zoology, 1989)
   stephenbeard, radio journalist, londoncorrespondent for marketplace from american public media (law, 1971)
   stevebell, political cartoonist for the guardian (fine art, 1974)
   markbyford, deputy director-general of the bbc (llb in law, 1979)
   barrycryer, comedian and scriptwriter (english, did not graduate)
   pauldacre, editor of the daily mail (english, 1970)
   gavinesler, newsnight anchor (ma anglo-irish literature, 1975)
   jennifalconer, television presenter (student, spanish and italian, 1990s)
   simonhattenstone, features writer, the guardian (english, 1984)
   johnholmes, journalist and socialite (classics, 1937)
   andykershaw, dj and broadcaster (politics)
   lizkershaw, journalist and radio dj. (textiles, 1978)
   petermorgan, screenwriter (fine art, 1980s)
   richardquest reporter for cnn (law, 1985)
   jayrayner, features writer and restaurant critic, the observer (political studies,1987)
   georgiethompson, sky sports news presenter (broadcast journalism, 1999)
   markwheat, radio dj at the current from minnesota public radio (english, 1981)
   andywilson, rugby league correspondent for the guardian (politics)
   nicholaswitchell, bbc newsreader and royal and diplomatic correspondent (llb in law,1976)
   markwood, chairman and ceo of itn (german, 1974)
   alanyentob, bbc creative director (graduated llb in law, 1968)
   thomashedley, president of hedley media group
   anitarani, english radio and television presenter and journalist (broadcasting)
   shonaauerbach, award-winning director/cinematograper of dear frankie
   corinnebailey rae, soul singer (english literature, 2000)
   nickbrownlee, crime thriller writer
   lesliecheung, hong kong actor and singer (textilemanagement, did not graduate)
   jonathanclements, writer (japanese, 1994)
   jeremydyson, screenwriter and member of the league of gentlemen (philosophy, 1989)
   tonyharrison, poet (classics with linguistics, 1958)
   victoriahesketh aka little boots, electronica musician[1]
   stormjameson, writer (english, 1912; ma 1914)
   barryjohn, noted theatre director and teacher, based in india since 1968
   markknopfler, obe, rock musician, guitarist, singer and songwriter (english, 1973)
   kaymellor, television actress and scriptwriter (attended bretton hall, 1983)
   alistairmcgowan, actor, comedian and impressionist (english, 1986)
   chrispine, american hollywood actor, studied as a year abroad student during hisjunior year (english).
   arthurransome, writer, studied science for two terms in 1901
   herbertread, poet and literary critic (english)
   simonrix, bass player for leeds band kaiser chiefs(maths and geography, 2000)
   wolesoyinka, nigerian writer and first african winner of the nobel prize inliterature in 1986 (english, 1957)
   gregstekelman, writer and illustrator, author of a year in the life ofthemanwhofellasleep (english and spanish, 1998)
   ngũgĩwa thiong'o, kenyan author (english student, 1960s)science and technology
   sirdavid baulcombe, plant scientist (botany, 1973)
   robertblackburn, aviation pioneer and founder of blackburn aircraft (engineering,1906)
   emilycummins, technology woman of the future 2006, british female innovator of theyear 2007
   edmundhappold, founder of buro happold and the construction industry council (civilengineering, 1957)
   d.g. hessayon, world-renowned gardening author (botany, 1949)
   v.craig jordan, obe, responsible for pioneering research into breast cancer andthe development of the cancer drug tamoxifen, (bsc and ph.d. inpharmacology,1969 and 1972)
   jenniferross meiring, architect director with bdp (b.a., english, 1979)
   georgeporter, chemist, nobel prize winner and president of the royal society(chemistry, 1941)
   pierssellers, nasa astronaut (biometeorology, 1981)
   jenniferwilby, director of the centre for systems studies, university of hull.
   abdullahyusuf ali - one of the world's most famous translators of the quran.
   michaelasher, desert explorer and author (english 1977)
   alistairbrownlee, olympian and itu triathlon world champion. (physiology and sport2009).
   danielbyles, guinness world record holding ocean rower and polar explorer (economicsand management studies 1996)
   clairecashmore bronze medalalist in both the 2004 paralympics and the 2008paralympics.
   christopherfay, cbe, chairman of the advisory committee on business and the environment,chairman of expro international and a director with baa and anglo american, andchairman and chief executive of shell uk from 1993╟1998 (bsc and ph.d. in civilengineering, 1967, 1970)
   katfletcher, president of the national union of students of the united kingdom,2004-2006 (sociology)
   bekelegeleta - secretary general, international federation of red cross and redcrescent societies (ma transport economics, 1974)
   peterhendy - commissioner, transport for london(economics & geography, 1975)
   davidhessayon - gardening author and, according to the guinness book of records,biggest-selling non-fiction author in history (botany, 1950)
   richardhoggart, sociologist and author of the uses of literacy (english, 1939)
   abdullaho. nasseef - saudi geologist, chemist and politician
   tompalmer, rugby union player
   davidparry, dialectologist who founded the survey of anglo-welsh dialects
   ivorporter, ambassador and author of operation autonomous and king michael(english, 1936)
   richardprofit, polar explorer (biology and management studies 1996)
   sirchristopher rose - former head of the court of appeal criminal division (ll.b.,1957)
   drharold shipman, general practitioner and convicted serial killer (medicine,1970)
   georgemartin stephen, high master of st paul's school,london (englishand history)
   marilynstowe, divorce lawyer and the first chief assessor and chief examiner of thelaw society's family law panel (law, 1970s)
   cecthompson - rugby league player and co-founder of student rugby league
   subirraha- arguably the most influential business leader in the indian public sector.staff
   lascellesabercrombie, poet and literary critic (professor of english literature,1923-1929)
   williamastbury, physicist and molecular biologist who made pioneering x-raydiffraction studies of biological molecules (textile physics, 1928-1961)
   zygmuntbauman, sociologist
   sirwilliam henry bragg, nobel prize winning physicist/chemist (physics, 1909-1915)
   asabriggs, historian
   damelynne brindley, chief executive of british library (university librarian,1997-2000)
   anastasioschristodoulou, deputy secretary of leeds university and foundationsecretary of the open university
   davidcrighton, mathematician (mathematics, 1974-1986)
   geoffreyhill, poet (english, 1954-1980)
   geoffhoon, politician (law, 1976-1981)
   sirchristopher ingold, chemist
   benediktisserlin, semitist and ancient historian
   percyfry kendall, award-winning geologist (geology 1904-22)
   arnoldkettle, literary critic (english, 1947-70)
  bethanyklein, popular music theorist and former birmingham city university lecturer (2008-present)
   owenlattimore, pioneer in chinese studies (professor of chinese studies, 1963-1970)
   johnanthony mcguckin, former reader in patristic and byzantine theology
   irenemanton, botanist and cell biologist
   davidi. masson, british science-fiction writer (assistant librarian 1938-1939;curator of the brotherton collection 1956-1979)
   sirroy meadow,paediatrician
   ralphmiliband, political theorist
   leonardjames rogers, mathematician (mathematics 1889-1919)
   wolesoyinka, nigerian nobel prize winner
   j.i. m. stewart (michael innes), writer (english, 1930-1935)
   e.p. thompson, historian (extra mural, 1948-1965)
   professorj. r. r. tolkien, writer (english, 1920-1925)
   stephenturnbull, military historian
   professorphilip wilby, composer, school of music until 2006
   vernawright, senior lecturer, rheumatology
   g.wilson knight, literary critic (english)


  leeds university, founded in 1904, is successful in a way that reflects both its own virtues and the determined reinvention which the city of leeds has undergone in recent years, and from which the institution benefits.
  you can take a virtual tour of leeds, which is a mecca for nightlife. what with the nightlife, harvey nichols and harry ramsden's, students at leeds apparently have the biggest overdrafts in the country. leeds is buzzing: this is an exciting place to live.
  leeds university has a very active students' union. one union pr said: "you don't come to a place like [this] if you're an introvert".
  the university has embraced modular courses, enabling students to study for mixed degrees. this allows them to exploit the huge language school which facilitates the flow of students both ways, with over 100 partners across the globe.
  in august 2001, the university merged with the specialist arts institute, bretton hall college, situated just outside wakefield. now the university's bretton hall campus it specialises in music, acting, dance, theatre and creative writing, and is expected to become a major force in performance and cultural studies.
  alumni of bold, brash leeds include richard hoggart, author of the uses of literacy, nobel laureate wole soyinka, cartoonist steve bell, and paul dacre, editor of the mail.
  leeds is among the top ten universities for research in the uk and is internationally acknowledged as a centre of excellence in a wide range of academic and professional disciplines.
  we have an ambitious vision to join the top 50 universities in the world by 2015 through our distinctive ability to integrate world-class research, scholarship and education.
  integrating research and learning and teaching is at the heart of our strategy. our courses are taught by staff who are engaged in world-class research and cutting-edge professional practice.
  we invest our own resources in helping organisations turn university research into world-class products and services. from the invention of the ultracane which helps blind and visually impaired people, to a spin-out company which provides expert services and new technologies for the biopharmaceutical, defence and healthcare sectors, we are at the forefront of innovation.
  our size and international reputation enables us to offer one of the widest ranges of academic courses in the uk. during the current academic year there are over 30,500 students attached to 700 undergraduate and 474 postgraduate degree programmes. a further 31,382 men and women are enrolled on short courses with the university.
  our graduates are highly sought after by employers and go on to succeed in all walks of life and are leaders in their field.










  土木工程学院╞电脑学院╞电子与电机工程学院╞微波与光学研究中心╞整合资讯系统中心╞机械工程学院╞工程系统与设计中心╞热流、表面与接口中心╞ 医疗与生物工程中心╞程序、材料与环境工程学院╞能源与资源研究中心╞材料研究中心╞粒子科学与工程中心╞计算流体力学中心╞纳米制造中心╞跨领域音乐科学研究中心╞跨领域keyworth中心


  利兹牙医中心╞利兹基因、健康与治疗法研究中心╞利兹健康科学中心╞利兹分子医学中心╞心理研究中心╞保健学院╞ 利兹医学院


  1. 文科学院:英语、历史、古典文学、神学和宗教研究、


  2. 生物科学学院:系统生物、分子细胞生物学、综合与比较生物学、生物科学、抗菌剂研究、地球和生物圈研究等;
  3. 商学院:会计与财务管理、经济、国际贸易、管理、市场、工作与雇佣关系等;
  4. 教育、社会科学和法律学院:儿童教育、语言教育、教育心理学、社会政策、法律、社会学、政治和国际研究等;
  5. 工程学院:土木工程、计算机工程、电子电力工程、机械工程、环境工程、材料工程等;
  6. 环境学院:地球与环境、地理、地球科学、环境地理、环境与商业、环境与运输、气象学等;
  7. 数学和物理科学学院:化学、食品科学、应用数学、研究数学、统计学、物理学和天文学等;
  8. 医学卫生学院:儿童精神健康、牙科手术、口头生物学、牙医、心脑血管和糖尿病研究、流行病和生物科学、医药物理学、卫生保健、健康和社会服务、医学教育、肿瘤学、眼科、病理学等;
  9. 表演、视觉艺术和通信学院:设计、美术、美术历史与文化、表演、通信研究等。[2]


  大学预科:高中毕业生, 18周岁以上;ielts 5.5(听说读写各项5分),toefl 530
  本科:完成中国大一或英国预科,平均成绩在80%以上,ielts 6.0,(听力和阅读5.5分,写作口语5分)toefl 550分,(toefl机考220分)。
  硕 士:需持有相关专业领域本科学士学位;平均成绩在80%以上,ielts 6.5, toefl 550分,同声传译等课程ielts7.0,toefl580分。
  mba: 本科毕业生,平均成绩在80%以上,有2年以上相关工作经验,gmat 600分以上ielts 6.5,toefl 580分,(toefl机考220分)。






classics经典、philosophy哲学、religious studies宗教学、arabic and middle eastern studies阿拉伯和中欧研究、east asia studies东亚研究、french法语、german德语、italian意大利语、linguistic and phonetics 语言学与语音学、russian studies俄罗斯研究、spanish西班牙语、accounting and finance 会计和金融、economics经济学



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