


来源:本站原创    点击率:    发布: 2010-10-28


  look around you: the future's here. robots build our cars. they save our lives, defusing terrorist bombs. they go to war, flying pilotless over enemy territory. and now comes a robot called optimus prime who is big and brave, has a strong sense of justice and is, erm, a truck. with the release of transformers 2, it is time to take a look at the best movie robots to appear on the silver screen. from the baddies to the downright cute, will you agree with this list of the 10 best movie robots?

optimus prime  transformers2 (2009)
the most perfect autobot with a strong sense of justice and righteousness

  optimus prime is a character in the transformers universe. he is the leader of the autobots, a faction of heroic transformers from the planet cybertron who wage their battles against the evil forces of his brother's group the decepticons for control of their homeworld, and by extension, peace in the universe. optimus prime is depicted as a heroic, brave and compassionate character who puts all his talent to use to improve the world around him.? in transformers 2, he battled his foes with unyielding resolve to uphold this belief.

the terminator  the terminator 2018(2009)
the first robot to be governor of california

  the arnold schwarzenegger terminator (a t-800) is one of the most cold, calculating and unstoppable machines ever. he becomes the hero—and one whose ultimate sacrifice makes grown men weep. on a thematic level, the terminators use violence to preach against violence and ultimately show that even a creation made to do evil can be redeemed, taught to love, and realize the value of human life.

wall.e   wall.e (2008)
the first to get laughs out of recycling
  a mechanical dustman who clears up the mess on a desolated earth, with a cockroach as his best friend. oh, and he has no real language. but he loves hello, dolly!. this is wall.e, a robot with the conscience of al gore and the comic timing of charlie chaplin, to save the planet and make everyone laugh. forget rodney in robots, a failed attempt three years ago to make a cute 'droid. the lonely last waste allocation load lifter, earth-class, is the most adorable, say the critics.

marvin the paranoid android  hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy (film 2005)
the first robot to get really, really down
  "here i am, brain the size of a planet." marvin is what happens when you give a robot a personality and it goes wrong. companion of ford prefect and arthur dent, he is 50,000 times more intelligent than a human, and knows it. "i didn't ask to be made. no one consulted me or considered my feelings." more depressed than paranoid, he was modelled on aa milne's eeyore by douglas adams. "life? don't talk to me about life."

sonny   i, robot (2004)
the most human-like robot who has dreams

  inspired by the writings of isaac asimov, this film asks what would happen if robots evolved their own consciousness. sonny, an ns-5 humanoid who has dreams, is accused of murdering his creator and goes on the run. he's tracked down by a robophobic policeman (with a mechanical arm) played by will smith. it's set in 2035, but the future seems closer than that when you consider that honda's real-life robot, the asimo, can interact with people, conduct an orchestra and even climb stairs.

k9   doctor who (1977)
the first robot to hate cats

  smart-talking electronic hound who appeared by the doctor's side in the same year as star wars—which was no coincidence at all. cute robots were all the rage on children's tv. k9 endures, most recently appearing in the latest series finale. with no hair, no danger of little accidents, and a mind capable of doing far more than fetch, is k9 the perfect pet? "affirmative, master."

r2d2   star wars (1977)
the first robot to be named by his director george lucas as his favourite actor.

  much more interesting than his brassy, fussy companion c3po, the little guy can't speak english, but he's a more rounded character than most of the humans in the star wars franchise. repairs spaceships, rescues people, carries vital messages and helps to blow up the death star. has been in sesame street and the simpsons, and spawned a generation of diminutive, warbling tin cans.

robby the robot  forbidden planet  (1956)
the first robot to get equal billing with the human stars in his film

  despite being 7ft 7ins tall, with claw-like hands and a glass head that shows his gears, robby was the first lovable screen robot. part jeeves, part clown, part aga, he can "produce, on order, ten tons of lead or a slinky evening gown" and is suitably smug about it. based on ariel, the sprite from shakespeare's the tempest, believe it or not, he was a massive success as both a character and a toy.

maria metropolis (1927)
the first robot to perform as an exotic42) dancer, then get burned at the stake

  the first great screen robot is every inch44) a metal woman. fritz lang's revolutionary film is set in a futuristic city where the workers toil underground and the thinkers enjoy a life of privilege above them. the robot is created in the image of maria, love interest and heroine of the movie. it creates havoc among the workers, who rise up against their masters.



擎天柱 《变形金刚2》(2009)



终结者 《终结者2018》(2009)

瓦力  《机器人瓦力》(2008)


忧郁症机器人马文 《银河系漫游指南》(2005)


索尼 《机械公敌》(2004)


k9  《神秘博士》(1977)


r2d2  《星球大战》(1977)


罗比罗伯特 《惑星历险》(1956)





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