


来源:本站原创    点击率:    发布: 2012-4-9

shane, my favorite teacher

“hey, bye”, this is the first sentence he said to us. he came into the classroom and look around. to all our surprise, they got out of the door in a hurry. that’s shane, so cute a person he was.


to tell the truth, there was a little disappointment in my heart. shane is not as handsome as bryan or ben. besides, he is a little old. maybe, there will be a generation between us. but, through one-day getting along with shane, he fired my enthusiastic. he always made face in our class in our class and said some funny story about himself and his daughter. he can easily attract our attention. he always says:” you did a good job”, even if you did a bad job, because he aimed at encouraging students speaking english. he emphasizes the ability of cooperation. not only can we communicate with our teammates. but also we can understand each other better.


he always talks about his daughter with smile. a lovely and active girl present in our mind. through those little funny stories, we are sure that shane is a good father and full of love with kids. he treat student equally. whoever you care, top student or poor student.


before decide go to china, he had made his determination. because china is an entirely new place to him which he would like to adjust to.


shane is that kind of person, humorous and sincere.


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