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肥胖谈话(fat talk)

来源:开心夏令营发布时间:2012-4-16 14:14:33


 fat talk refers to conversations in which women criticise their body shape, despite often not being overweight.
  fat talk(肥胖谈话)指女同胞之间以抱怨身材不好为话题的闲聊,虽然她们本身都并不算胖。
  the overwhelming majority of college women ╟ 93% ╟ engage in “fat talk.” you know, in the “ugh, i feel so fat in these jeans” vein of griping. many women say they think fat talking with their friends makes them feel better about their bodies, but a new study suggests the opposite may be true.
  the study showed that women who complained about their weight more often ╟ even if they were thin ╟ were more likely to have greater dissatisfaction with their bodies. they were also more likely to buy into the media’s thin ideal.
  a typical exchange:
   friend 1: “ugh, i feel so fat.”
  friend 2: “omg. are you serious? you are not fat.”



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